Dunedin, New Zealand, my city - my people

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Insatiable Moon and other waffle..

I went to the film "The Insatiable Moon" tonight. It is a story about a boarding house where mental health patients reside in Ponsonby in Auckland. I loved the film and its various characters. I "know" lots of people like them, both the "patients" and the other characters. There was a suicide in the film and the funeral after. That was a bit close to the bone. Two friends of mine have committed suicide in the last 18 months. There was a vicar in the film who was discovering a whole new world among the people in the boarding house. I laughed. He was preparing his sermon, doodling on the side of the paper when one patient knocked on his door. "Oh f#*k, f---, f---." he said, then went to the door with his "vicar's smile" on saying "How can I help?" My wife dug me in the ribs, and knew I sometimes express very unchristian expletives at such times.

There was another scene when the vicar told this man that he had helped him to decide on resigning. He then said, "Without you I don't know how long I would have stayed buried in this job." That's what I sometimes feel. Buried in a job charged with trying to keep an out dated institution alive. Anyway if you get a chance go see it, I enjoyed it, but then I could identify so much with the characters, atmosphere and the issues it raised. You may go and say, "Huh? What's the point?"

About that job I thought of applying for. I got an answer back from my enquiry. They really don't pay enough! I would find the drop in pay too great to cope with. This is an issue in itself. I really feel for the guys who work in the firm. They don't get a fair wage in my opinion.

So I better read that article... "Take this job and love it!" ... Now where did I throw that thing???

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