Dunedin, New Zealand, my city - my people

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I love my job!

I am stressed in my job. I am often frustrated in my job. If you have read this blog often you would have seen my cathartic outbursts. Before I go to bed tonight I just want to report, "I love my job." Today was an "ordinary" day, I worked my way through it. I had a Night Shelter meeting to attend at 5:30 p.m. I had been to St John Ambulance and sat talking to people. I talked with some of the guys who call into Space2B at the Church during lunch time. At 3 p.m. I went to the fire stations. It was there that I was reminded why I love this job. I had three in depth conversations. They were deepish conversations that you would have with a close friend. They were the icing on the cake, because they reminded me that I was welcomed by the different people I had talked with during the whole day. When I arrived at the fire station as I walked down the yard various guys yelled out, "Hi Father Ted!" in the warmest way. I was late to the Night Shelter meeting because I was reluctant to end my last conversation. It was warm with a deep sense of two friends journeying through life. Even at the night shelter meeting here was not just another committee, but a group of like minded friends who work toward a common purpose.  Tonight, at least, I love my job. It feels like a privileged position.


Anthony said...

I’ve been wanting to comment on some things, going back several posts. I’ve been finishing so late at night and things have been so busy that I don’t get to put down the things I want to say when I think of them. But here goes…

I really like that photo of the reservoir by Jane…

You say, “Why am I different?” I think part of you enjoys being a maverick. It could be my imagination, but sometimes your innocent pleasure at being the rebel comes through in what you’re writing.

Statistics, conventions and meetings are three topics guaranteed to make my eyes glaze over, so I can sympathise…

Sometimes you hate your job, sometimes you love it (mostly love it, I think)… But I have never seen a blog post from you headed, “I am bored stiff.”

I saw some comments there from Linda… I have trouble with this idea that tolerant people should make themselves into doormats for bullies and the ignorant. I know this is the idea from the Good Book (or is it) and everyone should turn the other cheek, etc. etc. – but is a fool’s or bully’s life and feelings more important than your own? Where would the world be if EVERYONE gave into people who don’t care and/or take advantage? Do we not need some men in our society who will fight and keep a standard?

Did you notice my blog had all blank pages? (Probably no one noticed!?) I couldn’t figure it out. Apparently my “template” became corrupted, so everything disappeared. I don’t know how as I didn’t do anything to it. I lost my template and I had to pick a new one. No big deal… but I thought I’d lost all my history. And I noticed your new template of course…

Anyhow, I’m enjoying your blog as always, even though I don’t get to comment very often.

Dave Brown said...

Thanks for the comments. Yeah I find the door mat thingy not always comfortable. I don't think either Jesus or the Apostle Paul were doormats. If they were they wouldn't have pissed the leaders off so much that they got killed. Both had insights on life that challenged the religious/political system that kept people down. I think it is OK to challenge people too about their lifestyle etc. and the way it impacts on others. I have some "Know-all" guys come to drop-in and recently I have challenged the dribble they come out with... I figure I have earned the right to do that. I am never sure when tolerance fits and when to confront? I think maturity would mean that before confronting I ask myself "What are my motives? To put the other "b" down or to try, for his/her own good to modify their behaviour?" I have often had to confront people at the drop-in to make the place safe for others. The only person I have kicked out has been a religious nut who was a mental health danger to others. (Others have left of their own free will after my "gentle" confronting.)

Yeah Jane is a classy photographer. Did you check out her photo blog? http://daybydaybyjane.blogspot.com/
She has a fancy camera and it sometimes joins us on our exercise sessions.

My blog was taking ages to load and I had to muck around seeking an answer. I took some "widgets" off it. (No cluster maps) but that did not make a difference. It came right mysteriously. At that time I fiddled with my template. The other day when I was trying to load a post one paragraph kept getting dropped. I had to retype it several times. It eventually loaded (In the wrong font) when I did it on my PC rather than Mac laptop. So somehow I think there have been issues.

You are right about no boredom! Often think a little would be nice.

Thanks for the contact.