Dunedin, New Zealand, my city - my people

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Exercise report day 2

Tonight in the fog and later in the rain, I walked up the mountain again this time up the shorter "Organ Pipe" track. Two mountain walks in two days... nice! I recommend jogging or walking as not only good physical exercise, but as a great way to sort life out. I find walking in the bush good because there are fewer distractions. I have had the opportunity to sort through such things as people, priorities, relationships and responsibilities. I loved it tonight, even in the rain. It's a kind of "praying".

I have been watching a concert in tribute to Sir Howard Morrison, one of New Zealand's great entertainers, now in his old age. Another NZ singer, getting older also, John Rowles sang the song, "I did it my way." I hope I can say that at the end of my time. In a sense to be able to say that I expressed my values, gifts and contribution in a way that was true to myself. I hope it does not rain or blow tomorrow, I want to ride my bike. I'll let you know.

1 comment:

Anthony said...

You and I have somewhat similar views on "walking in the bush".

As for the Bethunes Gully-Mt Cargill hike.. Just beautiful, and a favourite of mine. It's difficult to make photographs that do it justice, to measure up to what the eye sees and appreciates.