Dunedin, New Zealand, my city - my people

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Why build another house?

Saturday was the first real working day of a new Habitat for Humanity house in Dunedin. It will be the thirteenth house that I have been involved in building. On each of them I have put in hundreds of hours. In Habitat for Humanity we volunteers help a family build a house and then the family pays for the house on an interest-free loan. It is a great step up for a family who would otherwise not be able to get into home ownership. I was a part of starting a Habitat for Humanity affiliate in Dunedin in 1995. Habitat has changed over the years with the affiliates becoming less autonomous and the deal for home owners being less generous than it once was. I do not agree with the changes but still feel it helps families. Why do I do it?

  • As I have mentioned in previous posts, one of my deeply held values is that we all belong together. As part of the human family we are connected to one another. We are "brothers and sisters". Most of us would willingly assist our natural siblings whenever they call on us for help in the journey of life. By helping to build at a Habitat for Humanity house I am expressing my solidarity with others. I am giving practical expression to this deep value.
  • We all long to live in healthy communities. We long for our communities to be places of support, trust and togetherness. The atmosphere of any community is set by the people who live in it. If everybody is out for what they can get, then the community "feel" is not there.  Isolation, mistrust and lack of sharing abound and the general level of "community" is low. Walls are erected between people.  Working on a Habitat for Humanity build, I believe contributes to the overall health of a community. All sorts of links are made, people are joined together in practical ways and the common well being of the community is increased. All volunteer participation breaks down barriers and helps this community health.
  • I claim to be a follower of Jesus. Jesus promoted a generous, caring and loving lifestyle. By being involved with Habitat for Humanity I am giving practical expression to the faith that I say I practice. Faith without action is dead.
  • I have been very fortunate in life to be surrounded by supportive people, to have had good health and have never had to starve. Compared to the rest of the world I am rich! This has in a sense been my heritage, and no real achievement of my own. I believe I am called to share this good fortune with others.
  • Working on a Habitat house I learn heaps and extend my experience, knowledge and appreciation of life.
  • On every Habitat house I have worked on there have been special moments of togetherness, excitement and shear fun. Even though there are tough moments when you wonder why you get up on a Saturday and do such a thing, it is still essentially a real good buzz to build with others.

You can follow the progress of the house on http://h4hdunedin.blogspot.com/

Be encouraged in whatever you do for the community. The impact that any volunteers service has on the overall well being of life and community, is far greater than we can imagine. Such giving is part of the very essence of life, it is what makes life worthwhile.

Photo: There will be a home housing a family here soon. At least it's a flat section this time, only the second flat section in thirteen houses.

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