Dunedin, New Zealand, my city - my people

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sunday night prattle

I had not run any real distance for a couple of weeks or more. My knee is OK while I am running but the day after it gets sore. The annoying thing is that people in my chaplaincies keep asking, "Are you still running?" (It may be because I have put on a bit of weight and it's getting noticeable?) Then they ask, "Why not?" I explain that I have a sore knee. The responses are so unsympathetic. A number said to me, "Run through the pain." and looked at me as if I was a big cry baby. But my X-ray says I have damage! It is not going to get better! "You should take Glucosamine?" .. Grr ... I am, have been for years! "Get new shoes." "You have to keep running." oozed a woman at one chaplaincy. "But I'm nearly 63! I get a sore knee! Perhaps its my time to give up? Most 63 year olds are not running!" ... "How sore does it get? Is it really that sore?" ... and on it goes, even when I threaten to come back and haunt them when they are 63. It reminded me of how important it is when talking with another on any subject to really try to understand where they are at, and what it is like for them. These, mostly younger people have no understanding of my knee, and the pain. They have no conception of the sorts of time pressures I am under, and how difficult it is to fit in during the winter. I confess that often I have listened to others in the same superficial way, not really hearing where they are at and how they are feeling, rushing in with solutions before I have listened. The truth is that though I could walk, bike, swim or gym, of them all I like running. I will only give it up if the pain is unbearable. I want to run, even if it is only short distances. Yesterday I went for a run, just under 9k. It was a horrible day for running, with a strong cold wind, but I did it. Sometimes during the run I got into a rhythm and felt good, at other times I had to push hard into the wind, and discipline myself to keep going. I passed a mature woman running the other way and said, "We must be mad!" She agreed with a grin, (or was it a grimace?) at that point we were getting sprayed with sea water off the harbour. But in the end I was pleased to run. Today my knee is sore. In a few days I will try again, but I suspect my half marathon days might be over.
Trinity Sunday...
I decided to run our service this morning on the theme of "Trinity Sunday". I read extensively on "the Trinity" ... (One writer said: "The Central dogma of the Christian Church; That the one God exists in three persons and are one substance." ... Do you understand it?) I have always had difficulty understanding and accepting the "dogma". Modalists, Sabellianism, Areanism and Macedonianism are just some of the heresies listed as wrong understandings of this dogma. I am sure I am a heretic when it comes to this. I actually don't think the Bible is as clear on this as the ancient creeds and theologians are. I think the New Testament writers tend to use the names "Father" "Son" and "Holy Spirit" interchangeably. I also do not think clarity about the "Dogma" would be a high priority for Jesus. I tried to encourage people to be open to experience God in the midst of life. That is what bugs me. I read these theological books and then go listen to real people in their work place. Often the theology feels like a science fiction mystery game or world that has nothing to do with reality! It is the feeling I get sometimes when I mix with clergy or religious type people. I really think Jesus is so relevant for life, but sometimes could scream at the religion! I think I did a good job this morning anyway.
Justice... fairness.. who cares?
I ache for a whole bunch of mainly men who wander our streets aimlessly. Some are mental health patients, others have been involved in the drug scene and others are "slower than average". Some may have had hearing, reading or other difficulties during school years and have never caught up. I look at our drop-in centre, or a group of guys who come to our Space2B or see these guys wandering the streets and I "see" wasted, rotting human lives. I know many have and do make bad decisions but somehow we as a society spit them out and leave them to rot. (Is it education, economics and health systems combined with people's prejudices?) I don't know how to change things but it seems so so sad. I suspect they are becoming a bigger group with changes in technology and employment.
I sometimes wish I had a farm with gardens, workshops and other opportunities for these guys to do useful stuff. I can see the protests now! "Slave labour!" "Unfair competition!" ... oh well dreams are free.

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