Dunedin, New Zealand, my city - my people

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas is hard for heretic preachers

How to say it without offending...
When Christmas comes each year I have a hard time. There are a couple of issues. First the carols that everybody likes singing... The words are scary and distort what Jesus was about. "Low he abhores not the virgin's womb!" What the heck is that about?  That's real big of him?  "Love came down at Christmas". It wasn't there before? Many carols end with the final verses devoted to getting to heaven. "And our eyes at last shall see him." - like that was what Jesus was all about? But people LOVE singing carols. Sorry, I grimace my way through them. The second is that as I read the familiar Christmas stories I cannot take them literally. Angel Gabriel, angels hovering in the sky singing, virgin birth, star directing people etc etc. Apart from anything else the dating has difficulties. I see them as "narrative theology". But without going into deep scholarly negative sounding discussion it is difficult to communicate this stuff. I could ignore it, but there are those who could be sitting listening to the readings saying to themselves, "Yeah right? How can I believe this rubbish?" I hate to disturb people's Christmas. Squash beautiful nativity scenes? Rubbish much loved carols? All I am saying is that often when I read the passage for the day at Christmas I groan inwardly. Why me? Christmas is hard for heretic preachers, but I have found it harder to give up ministry, damn it!

... But I liked this bit...
A friend, an Australian no less, sent me this in an email saying he saw it and thought of me and passed it on. Don't know where it originated but it rang bells. It starts off with a biblical reference which is the familiar birth of Jesus and "Shepherds in the hills abiding" story from Luke. But then reflecting on the birth and the whole story goes on to talk about the birthing of love...
Luke 2:1-20... This is all it Takes...
The story tells us that this is all it takes for love to be born:
you listen to the voice of improbable angels
you dare to believe you might have a part to play in their story
you say yes to the idea of the impossible
you give up the future you thought was inevitable
you defy the protocols and social mores of the day when they get in the way
of what you know is true
you dare to say to those who would deny your value and your role
that you just might have what’s needed, in this moment
you search for your allies and trust them with your dream
you devour the moments of joy when they come
you demand truth from yourself and those around you
you give up the things you are comfortable with
you travel long journeys in inhospitable conditions
you stand up to be counted
you take whatever shelter you can get
you aren’t afraid of darkness or dirt
you do whatever it takes, even if you’re lonely, scared, a laughing stock, intimidated, overwhelmed, lost, uncomfortable
you accept gifts of wisdom from strangers
you honour those who put their gifts of love, however small, alongside yours
you risk everything, even your life, to give it breath
that’s all it takes for love to be born.

It really touched me because it reminded me of my journey. I am far from as loving as I should be, but it reminded me of my attempts to journey with Jesus and the challenges on the way. I liked it and I pass it on.

1 comment:

Linda Myers said...

I love the mythic Christmas story. Regardless of its historical accuracy, we are brought together.

Just my opinion, as usual.