Dunedin, New Zealand, my city - my people

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Mountain two days later...

On Monday I walked up Mount Cargill in hail and snow. I was all rugged up with waterproof clothing and warm winter woolies underneath. Last night (Wednesday) after work I went (at 5:30 p.m.) up "my" mountain again. (It is a great way to do sermon preparation ) In contrast to Monday I walked up with sunshine coming through the bush. Instead of tramping boots and winter woolies I wore the lightest of clothing, running shoes and still got hot. I used to go for runs regularly, but now aging knee prevents serious running.  As I walked I was thinking that the fast climb up is probably more aerobically challenging than my 10 k jogs were and the continual stepping up must be good for leg muscles. Up and down is one and a half hour's of exercise, it is less stressful on my knee joints, I can do it with my bionic plumbing and the bush and scenery are delightful. With daylight saving I can fit it in after work. I still hope to get back into running, but my mountain climb will be as good as my runs used to be for a while. I took the photos above from the top, three different angles of Dunedin City. I imagined a city full of people unwinding after the day's activities.   

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