Dunedin, New Zealand, my city - my people

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Talking and listening...

"If you ever wonder what your job is about..."
I took a funeral for a guy who, at one stage, worked at a parking building. He was made redundant from the job but years ago he got a card from a lady, who was a regular at the parking building. It was anonymous, but here is what it said....

"To the man in the parking booth.
I just want you to know that every time I park here, you smile and say something nice. Then I smile and feel good all the way home and so that rubs off on the people at home.
So- if you ever wonder what your job is about - remember you have the power to change people's days! :-) "

I think that is so cool. It is also a great reminder that how we interact with people can make a significant difference in our world and community. This man was not a boss, was not a big mover and shaker and was not a trained counsellor or social worker. He just took money in a parking booth!
I am privileged to have people to talk with me.
Once again for a busy week I have had people share with me in my job as chaplain. They talk about all sorts of things. Sometimes it is their beliefs. At other times it is what is happening for them at home. Very few times do they want "help", all they want really is another human to talk with and who will listen. I often come away wondering what on earth I am doing. They just talk to me, they are not seeking help and sometimes it feels like they are just passing the time of day with me. But every now and then I need to be reminded that two humans passing the time of day together can be life-changing and life enhancing. I know that... that is why we have Space2B at the church. That's why I play endless games of pool and do stacks of dishes at the drop-in centre. Programs, preaching and reading and learning are fine, but it is relationships that really change lives. I need to remember that.
Change does happen...
We have a guy at our drop-in centre who now attends our church who has come across as a sleazy piece of work. He often made inappropriate comments. I got so angry with him one night that I told him that people saw him in that way and did not like his company because of that. Well the last few weeks I have been watching him and I think he is changing! I can think of quite a few people who have changed.... by what? People relating to them in love.
What to do...
The local community newspaper has people nominate others for community awards. My wife won one a few years ago. I was nominated one year but never won it. It was quite embarrassing being at the function given that my wife had won it before. I received an invitation to this year's function, I think someone has nominated me again. It is a bit complicated because I am now chaplain to the staff at the newspaper so I doubt that they would select me as winner anyway. If I refuse to attend or pull out it will mean that I seem ungrateful to the lady that nominated me? But to attend will be embarrassing and will look, to the staff at the paper, like I want to win it? It will look like I am big headed. I am doing less in the community than when I was last nominated. What to do?

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