Dunedin, New Zealand, my city - my people

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A fun encounter

I was lying on the grass on this hot day in Poland. The twelve year old grandson of the man whose house we are staying at lives in another house on the property. As I lay there this little dog came up and sniffed at me. Then a boy's voice said to me, "This is my dog. His name is ....." I replied "Oh is it." and began to pat the dog.... after a few seconds I suddenly realised this was a Polish boy speaking very good english.... "Your English is good! ... ah ... ah ... dobry!" I said, searching for one of the few Polish words I knew. He beamed from ear to ear. That simple sentence was a triumphant breakthrough. He had been learning English at school and his dog provided the opportunity to try it out. At a barbecue that evening using my little electronic translator we tried out more bits of communication in a corner of the deck. Among them was this encounter. He had been on holiday with his grandfather and had met some girls. The family had been teasing him about it. I typed in "girls" and it came up with "dziewczyna". He sounded out the word in Polish for me. Then I typed in "trouble" and it came up with "klopot". He sounded out that. Then with gestures I said, "Put them together". He sounded out the two words both in Polish and English ("Girls trouble") and then again both he and his mum laughed, and she rolled her eyes saying in Polish, (with the aid of my daughter-in-law's translation.).... "She says, 'It will be trouble for the mum!' " I enjoyed my encounter with this bright boy. It was ... "dobry."

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