Dunedin, New Zealand, my city - my people

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I'll do that later..

I am the world's greatest procrastinator. This is especially true when there is something difficult to do or something I want to do well. Whenever I was studying and doing assignments I would read copiously, keep thinking of one more article, one more book to read and keep putting off the day when I actually put pen to paper and wrote the assignment. Most often assignments were finished at something like 4 in the morning on the day after they were due. (One nasty lecturer would collect assignments from his box dead on midnight... he would delete 5 marks for every day late. 4 hours late was considered a day.) While I am more aware of my tendency now and try to combat it, I am still a procrastinator. Well on Wednesday we head away on our big OE trip. There are a host of things that need to be done before we depart. Today I looked at something and said to myself, "I'll do that later." Suddenly I realised there is not much "later" left. There is no more time for procrastination.

That, unfortunately, is true of life also. Life is whizzing by, procrastination on the things I really should do could be really sad. Soon I will not be able to do some of the things I most want to do.

Heaven and hell, "All bullshit"
I find it interesting that most people have the concept that the Christian faith is all about life after death or getting to heaven. I had two humorous incidents at a function at the fire station. I was asking an old retired firefighter how he was doing. He informed me that he woke up each day still alive and could put his feet on the floor. When that happened life was good, though sometimes, he said, "the day turned to shit." A passerby heard our conversation and commented jokingly that at least he hadn't passed on yet, ....to meet his maker. .. and that I, "the sky pilot" could probably guide him in the right direction, "because I don't think you'll make heaven at the moment." My old fire fighter friend in his open honesty said, "Well I'm hoping like hell its all bullshit and I wont have to worry." We were lining up for a photo so I did not get to say that I think that the traditional way of thinking about heaven and hell was "all bullshit."

I was sharing in another conversation and describing an annoying child. I was searching for a word to describe the child and the fire fighter I was talking to said, "An annoying little shit!... I'll say it... because if you say it you won't get to heaven.... I'm already going to the other place... that lets you off the hook."

I am intrigued by people's perception of Christianity and life after death. I often just tell them that I think we'll all be in for some surprises.

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